
The rapid growth of e-commerce has revolutionised how businesses operate, and consumers shop. As technology evolves, so do the e-commerce solutions that power online businesses. This blog will explore the top trends in e-commerce solutions shaping the industry in 2023. From personalised experiences to advanced technologies, these trends are set to enhance customer engagement, streamline operations, and drive growth for businesses in the digital marketplace.


In an era where customers expect tailored experiences, hyper-personalisation has emerged as a key trend in e-commerce solutions. By leveraging customer data, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML), businesses can deliver personalised product recommendations, targeted offers, and customised shopping experiences. This approach goes beyond traditional personalisation methods, enabling businesses to deliver highly tailored offers and experiences that resonate with each individual user. Advanced analytics and customer segmentation allow e-commerce platforms to understand individual preferences, behaviour patterns, and purchase history, enhancing customer satisfaction and improving conversion rates.

Personalisation has evolved from a mere bonus to a crucial element in modern business strategies. The power of personalised experiences goes beyond enhancing customer satisfaction; it fosters brand loyalty and leaves a lasting impression on consumers. In fact, studies indicate that a staggering 80% of consumers are inclined to choose a brand that offers personalised experiences over one that does not.

Starbucks is among the many e-commerce businesses that have harnessed the power of AI and ML to provide exceptional personalisation to its customers.

Voice Commerce

Voice commerce, commonly called V-commerce, revolutionises how customers engage in e-commerce by enabling them to make purchases using simple voice commands. This emerging form of online shopping empowers customers to navigate through product selections, add items to their cart, and complete transactions solely through their voice, eliminating the need for manual input. Voice commerce opens new avenues for seamless and convenient shopping experiences, further blurring the boundaries between technology and consumer behaviour in the e-commerce landscape.

Voice commerce has gained significant traction in recent years, and in 2023, it is expected to become an integral part of e-commerce solutions. Voice assistants like Amazon’s Alexa, Google Assistant, and Apple’s Siri are becoming increasingly sophisticated, enabling users to make purchases, search for products, and interact with e-commerce platforms using voice commands. This trend presents an opportunity for businesses to optimise their websites and mobile apps for voice search and provide seamless voice-based shopping experiences to their customers.

While still in its early stages of development, voice commerce has already captured the attention of numerous companies, prompting significant investments in this emerging technology. Recognising its immense potential, businesses actively explore and embrace voice commerce as a strategic avenue to enhance their e-commerce capabilities.

With 71% of customers preferring to search by voice over text, businesses can benefit from using this future of voice commerce.

Hybrid Commerce

Hybrid commerce is a business model combining online (e-commerce) and offline (brick-and-mortar) retail channels to create a seamless and integrated shopping experience for customers. It is also known as omnichannel commerce or multichannel commerce.

This approach allows businesses to reach a broader customer base, provide convenience, and enhance the overall shopping journey. Customers can interact with the brand and purchase through various touchpoints, including websites, mobile apps, social media platforms, physical stores, and even marketplaces.

Hybrid commerce has become increasingly relevant in today’s retail landscape as customers seek a seamless shopping experience that combines the benefits of online convenience and the tactile nature of physical stores. By embracing hybrid commerce, businesses can effectively meet customer expectations, drive sales, and build stronger relationships with their target audience.

A prominent example of hybrid commerce is the retail giant Walmart. Walmart offers a click-and-collect service called Grocery Pickup, where customers can order groceries online and collect them at their local Walmart store without entering the physical store.

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

AR, or Augmented Reality, seamlessly combines the actual physical world with computer-generated elements such as visuals, sound, or other sensory stimuli. It enhances the real-world environment by overlaying digital content, providing users with an interactive and enriched experience.

VR, or Virtual Reality, on the other hand, immerses users in a completely simulated environment generated by a computer. By wearing a specialised headset, users are transported to a virtual world that feels realistic and interactive. VR creates a sense of presence, allowing users to explore and interact with the computer-generated surroundings as if they were physically present.

AR and VR technologies enable customers to visualise products in a realistic and immersive manner. Shoppers can virtually try on clothes, accessories and even visualise what furniture would look like in their home. By bridging the gap between the physical and digital worlds, AR and VR provide customers with a more accurate representation of products, increasing confidence and reducing the uncertainty associated with online shopping.

Mobile Commerce

The dominance of mobile devices continues to reshape the e-commerce landscape. Mobile commerce or m-commerce has become essential to the e-commerce solution in 2023. With the rise of mobile payment platforms, improvements in mobile user experience, and increased internet accessibility, businesses are prioritising mobile optimisation and responsive design to meet the growing number of shoppers who prefer to browse and buy using smartphones and tablets. Providing a seamless, mobile-friendly shopping experience is critical to driving conversions and staying competitive.

With the m-commerce market expected to reach $510 billion by the end of 2023, businesses can ride this trend to outperform their competitors and generate more revenue.

Subscription Models

Subscription model is growing exponentially and emerged as a notable trend in e-commerce in 2023. They provide customers with convenience, personalisation and recurring value. Subscription boxes are increasingly popular, offering monthly or quarterly curated offerings tailored to customer preferences. Loyalty programmes offer exclusive benefits such as early access sales, free shipping, and special discounts. E-commerce businesses also provide subscription services for essentials, ensuring regular replenishment without reordering. Digital content subscriptions to streaming services, e-books and online courses have become commonplace. Personalised curation and recommendations increase customer satisfaction. Flexibility and customisation options allow customers to tailor subscriptions to their liking. Overall, subscription models in 2023 will increase customer loyalty, generate recurring revenue, and provide a curated shopping experience.

The subscription economy is expected to grow at a CAGR of 71% between 2023 and 2028, underscoring the importance of this revenue stream. The retail subscription market continues to grow strongly, with subscription e-commerce expected to generate more than $38 billion in revenue by 2023, more than twice the 2019 figure.

Headless Commerce

Headless commerce refers to a decoupled approach in e-commerce where the front-end presentation layer (the “head”) and the back-end infrastructure (the “body”) are separated. The content management system (CMS) and the e-commerce platform are disconnected in this architecture, allowing greater flexibility and agility in delivering digital shopping experiences.

This architecture expands the reach of e-commerce beyond traditional devices like desktops, laptops, and mobile devices. It enables consumers to explore and purchase using a wide range of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, including smart speakers and smart fitness devices. This allows for a seamless shopping experience across various interconnected devices, making eCommerce accessible and convenient in the rapidly evolving IoT ecosystem.

According to recent statistics, the headless commerce market is expected to reach $3.9 billion by 2025, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 22.9%. This means that the e-commerce world is increasingly receptive to headless commerce solutions.

According to a BigCommerce survey, 66% of e-commerce decision-makers intend to adopt a headless commerce strategy in the coming year.

As businesses continue to embrace the flexibility and scalability this architecture offers, the future of headless commerce looks promising.


Through 2023, e-commerce businesses must embrace these key trends in e-commerce solutions to stay competitive and meet changing customer expectations. Hyper-personalisation, voice commerce, hybrid commerce, AR and VR experiences, mobile commerce, subscription models, and headless commerce will reshape the e-commerce landscape and present exciting business opportunities to thrive digitally. By staying ahead of these trends and leveraging cutting-edge technology, businesses can create unique and engaging shopping experiences that increase customer loyalty, increase conversions and drive growth through 2023 and beyond.