Modern online browsers have a built-in suite of web development and debugging tools called Browser DevTools, or Browser Developer Tools. With the aid of these tools, developers may examine, troubleshoot, and improve websites and applications. Every major browser, including Microsoft Edge, Opera, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, and Firefox, has a built-in suite of DevTools.
Lighthouse is an open-source, automated tool for improving the quality of web pages. It can be run in Chrome DevTools, from the command line, or as a Node module. When you give Lighthouse a URL to audit, it runs a series of audits against the page and then generates a report on how well the page did. The failing audits can be used as indicators of how to improve the page.
Lighthouse is integrated directly into the Chrome DevTools, under the “Lighthouse” panel. To run a report, you can follow these steps:
Browser DevTools are essential for front-end developers because they allow them to troubleshoot bugs, optimize performance, and assure the quality of their online apps. Familiarising yourself with these tools and their capabilities can significantly improve your web development abilities.